Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Korean War Begins-Ends:

  • The Korean War began on June 25 of !950 and it ended on July 27 or 1953.SO this war lasted for 3 years straight.
  • Communist from North Korea invaded the southern part of Korea.
  • President Truman sent troops to Korea and U.N. went to support Korea 
  • On October 1950, Chinese Communist entered the war.
  • Around August Threw September, the North Koreans held Seoul and Pyongyang.
  • On April 11, 1957, General Matthew B. Ridge way was a back up for MacArthur
  • He threatened the Chinese with a huge retaliation 
  • The Armistice negotiations continued with there interruption until June of 1953
  • On July 27, Armistice agreed to sign Chinese troops to withdraw from North Korea.
  • After the Korean War both South and North Korea decided to sign a contract, that both sides wouldnt be against each other
  • Sources Used:
Federal Civil Defense Administration Established:
  • The Federal Civil Defense Administration(FCDA) was prepared by a Democratic President Harry S. Truman.
  • on December1, 1950, President Truman signed the F.C.D.A.
  • Which can oversee a federal emergency plan, a defense organization
  • This was sent to the office Emergency Management.
  • Truman Signed the act once it was done and was established on January 12 of 1951
  • This costed a lot, about 3.1 billions of dollars.
  • This helped out for emergencies like a nuclear weapon or something that would protect everyone if they were in danger.
  • On April 17, 1952, Truman assigned another order: Executive Order.
  • This ensured that the government would be prepared for any type of nuclear weapon.
  • On July 1, !958: President Eisenhower made another Plan called: Office of Civil Defense Mobilization.
  • Sources Used:
Fidel Takes Over Cuba:
  • Cuba was ruled by a man that was not well knowned his name was Fulgencio Batista. Batista was a dictator, United States supported Cuba
  • Batista gave up Cuba in January 1959.
  •  That when a young lawyer came in, his name was Fidel Castro.
  • He led Cuba to the revolution, he brought the Social Reforms and he improved the economy in Cuba.
  • Fidel was a harsh dictator, he took out elections, jailed or executed his opponents, he even controlled the press.
  • Castro nationalized Cuban economy, and took the sugar mill and refineries from the U.S. 
  • Castro changed the Soviets economic and military aid.
  • CIA made an anti-Castro Cuban plan
  • They invaded Cuba, Which was called The Bay of Pigs
  • United States didn't give any support to Cuba. But the Cubans humiliated the United States by defeating the invaders
  • Sources Used: Textbook
Warsaw Pact Formed:
  • The Warsaw Pact was a treaty signed in Warsaw
  • It included these places: Soviet Union, Poland, Albania, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria
  • IT was referred by the member from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as the NATO, which was from the United States
  • The Warsaw pact remained until 1991
  • In 1962, Albania was expelled
  • Albania got took out because the leader of Russia, Khrushchev was drifting off from the Marxist orthodoxy
  • Albania then went to its second choice which was China and they asked for trade and aid.
  • In 1990, East Germany left the Pact and went back with West Germany.
  • Poland and Czechoslovakia, went throughout 1990 and 1991 which marked there end to the Warsaw Pact 
  • The Pact was dissolved in July, which was there the last meeting that took place.
  • Sources Used:
Khrushchev Demands Withdrawal of Troops from Berlin:
  • Khrushchev was the First Secretary of the Communist Part in the Soviet Union, that lasted 1953-1964
  • He joined the Bolsheviks in 1918 and got a technical education
  • He established new methods to divide and conquer his opponents 
  • He had his own ideas which was to sent the first dog, man, and women to the moon
  • He wanted to figure out the last compromise for the split of Germany and the problems from West Berlin
  • He gave a peace treaty in November 1958
  • He gave them to United States, United Kingdom and France 6 month so they can make peace with East Germany
  • He gave the Western Powers the access to Berlin 
  • He approved the decision for the Berlin Wall
  • Sources Used:

View 1950's in a larger map


Nuclear non-proliferation Treaty
  • who: U.S., Russia, U.K., France, and china.
  • deffinition: to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
based off of the three pillar system:
  • non-Proliferation
  • Disarmament
  • The Right to Peacfully use Nuclear Technology.

  • 190 parties have joined the treaty
  •  four non-parties have been suspected of haveing nuclear technonlogy.
  • India, pakistan, and North Korea have openly declared haveing Nuclear Technology
  • treaty origionally had a duration of 25 years. 
  • 1995 May 11, the parties extended the treaty indeffinently. 
  • who: military conflict between India and Pakistan
  • condidered one of the shortest wars in history.
  • Indian and pakistani forces clashed on the eastern and western fronts.
  • came to an end when pakistani armed forces sighned the instrament of surrender.
  • 90,000 to 93,000 pakistani armed forces were taken prisoner of war by Indian army.
  • 2000,000 to 300,000 civilians were killed in bangladesh. 
  • up to four hundered thousand women were raped by Pakistani armed forces. 
  • as a result of the conflict 8 to 10 million people fled the country at the time to seek refuge in neighboring India.


August 13 1961 - 1981 The Berlin wall collapses
referred as the "anti-fascist protection rampant"
it was made for prevention to east Berlin to cross
a 96-mile wall, and if the guards caught you trying to sneak over to the other side, they would kill you.

April 15 1989 - June 4 1989 The Tienanmen square protests
Also known as the June Forth incident
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese were gathered in Tienanmen square to protest official corruption when the peoples liberation army struck crushing blow to the democracy movement

August 20 1985 - March 4 1987 Iran-Contra Affair
Also referred as the Iran-Contra Scandal
It was a political scandal with the United States
Senior Reagan administration officials secretly sold the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo
U.S. officials hoped that the sales would secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.

1984 - 1993 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Proposed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan
Use ground and space-based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles
The initiative focused on strategic defense rather than the prior strategic offense

1989 Hungary Becomes independent
Hungary became independent from the Soviet Union.
In June 1991, the last soviet troops left Hungary, ending almost 47 years of military presence.
Hungary became part of Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization.